- A 6-year-old girl reportedly helped her mother deliver her baby sister right inside their bathroom
- Mum went into early labour and there was no one around to help, except Janeicea Armstrong, her daughter
- It’s now emerging that the youngster did more than just help her baby sister come out of the mother’s womb
She is just 6 years old, but with a brain of a doctor, and courage of a lion. Her mother reportedly went into early child labour. There was no one around in the house at that point in time, except Janeicea Armstrong, her little and innocent-looking daughter who was also asleep.
Canisha Owen and her sixe year old daughter Janeicea Armstrong
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“She heard me scream, woke up, and came running into the bathroom where I was grounded. We hugged. Then she started praying,” Canisha Owen, Armstrong’s mother, recalls.
Reports show that it was not yet time for the baby to come out, as it was two months early. So the mother was sort of caught off guard by the labour.
Owen reportedly dialled 911 but never said anything to the operator on the other end of the line. She then handed over the phone to Armstrong who took the instructions from the emergency operator.
“I just want to help mommy with the baby. She said,” the young girl said.
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Meanwhile, the mother was busy pushing the baby. And before they knew it, the baby’s head appeared. It was a very scary moment for Owen, but interestingly not for her daughter who was standing by her side curiously watching everything.
“When I saw the child’s head I took a deep breath and pushed really hard, after which her body came out. I grabbed the body, and took care of the umbilical cord from around her neck. To be honest it was a bit weird,” says Owen, adding that she had some difficulties with the umbilical cord.
Fortunately the emergency arrived and the family was rushed to hospital. The new family member weighed 3.5 pounds when she was born.
After successfully helping her mom deliver her baby sister, young Armstrong told a local news station that she would wish to include in her future career midwifery, also known as obstetrics in medical terms.
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Watch video of the six year old girl who help her mom deliver: