Whitney Kittrell, became a single mother, but she didn’t want her son to feel left out, so when she heard that the kindergarten was holding a “dads and doughnuts” day she went there dressed as a man.
The single mother put on her best dad clothes and drew facial hair for the event
Whitney said: “But when my kindergartner came home with a paper saying that they were having a “dads and doughnuts” my heart kind of sank.”
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She asked her son if maybe his grandfather could go to the event instead of his father, however the boy insisted that his mother come because she was both a mother figure and a father figure to him and that was all that mattered.
So on that Wednesday Whitney drew a moustache, put on some “dad clothes” and went to the event. She recalls: "I was so embarrassed, but I couldn't help but smile when he introduced me to his little friends saying 'this is my mom... she's my dad too so I brought her!'”
She is being applauded on social media for her bravery and her post is going viral.