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My ex-girlfriend sent me a wedding invitation - man

- A man in a dilemma has written to ask for advice after his ex-girlfriend sent him an invitation to her wedding

- The two parted ways in bad terms after she accused him of cheating, although he denies it

- The ex-girlfriend subsequently found another man and is getting married while the man is still single

A man in a dilemma has written to a relationship expert in a popular newspaper to seek advice after his ex-girlfriend sent him an invitation to her wedding.

My ex-girlfriend sent me invitation to her WEDDING. Please, should I go?

The man is in a dilemma over whether or not to attend his ex-girlfriend's wedding

The man, who did not give his name, says his ex-girlfriend named Sandra accused him of cheating after she came across messages from another woman named Justine. He insists that these messages were taken out of context.

He however concedes that he spent too much time with Justine to the extent that they kissed once after having one too many to drink. Nevertheless, nothing further happened between them, he contends.

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My ex-girlfriend sent me invitation to her WEDDING. Please, should I go?

The man says his ex-girlfriend unfairly accused him of cheating

Sandra however decided enough was enough and ended their relationship on a sour note. The man says they have not been in contact since then until the sudden wedding invitation.

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He adds that he is still single. Judging from his dilemma, it appears he is not yet over his ex-girlfriend Sandra and is hurt that she has moved on pretty quickly even though he didn't actually cheat.

What would you advise him to do?

Here is a video on how to get over your ex.

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