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Woman who weighed 188 kg sheds half her weight but has to live with bags of floppy skin (photos, video)

- A courageous woman turned her life around after she dropped 240lb in weight

- She was constantly mocked and bullied by people on the street

- Yet she now looks completely different and follows a healthy diet

A 26-year-old woman from Utah, in the U.S., has made an astounding turnaround in her life, by losing 240lb, basically though gastric sleeve operation, a mini gastric bypass , and a complete change in her eating habits and active lifestyle.

Woman who weighed 188 kg sheds HALF her weight but has to live with bags of floppy skin (photos)

Tiffaney before her life-changing operation.

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This mother-of-two weighed 413lb before her new image. Tiffaney Anderson could eat up to eight McDonald's burgers per day, and have TWO breakfasts with four sausages each time, accompanied by an egg and cheese McGriddles and a large chocolate chip frappe. And that was only in the morning. She then went on to have day-long snacks, plus an extremely large lunch and dinner.

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Woman who weighed 188 kg sheds HALF her weight but has to live with bags of floppy skin (photos)

Tiffaney shed over 200lb, but now has ugly excess skin, which she hopes to have taken off.

She decided to slim down after she suffered a stroke. Tiffaney was also having multiple health issues, such as bone problems and high blood pressure.

She now looks very nice. Gone are the days when she was mocked by people on the street, who cruelly “mooed” at her, but she was left with bags of excess skin, which she hopes to take off one day with plastic surgery. Tiffaney is presently trying to raise the much-needed funds.

Woman who weighed 188 kg sheds HALF her weight but has to live with bags of floppy skin (photos)

A new look!

Her 11,000 calorie from before cost her a whooping amount of around $8,000 a year, and she admits she had a $1,600 credit card bill one month.

Tiffaney feels the emotional and physical abuse she suffered growing up made her get into her binging habits. But now she says she can finally “feel beautiful”.

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Woman who weighed 188 kg sheds HALF her weight but has to live with bags of floppy skin (photos)

With her boyfriend, Clarence.

Before, Tiffaney felt “there were days that I'd arrived to work early and go to the staff room disgusted with myself, all I could smell was the fast food I'd eaten. I always used to have big purses to hide all my food in, then I would either go to the bathroom or sit eating in my car because I was embarrassed,” adding that “surgery was my only option, but it wasn't an easy journey like everyone believes, it was just as hard and now thankfully I've lost weight.”

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