- A man in China was locked away in a cage when he was six years old
- He is now 39
- Concerned neighbors took a video of him and showed it to authorities
A man was locked in a cage for nearly 30 years by his parents. They thought he was possessed by a ghost, when he was barely six years old.
This horrific situation happened in Hepu County's Gongguan Township, south China. The man, now 39, lived alone in a dark cage since the 1980s.
He has not been identified, but his mother, a woman named Li Lianying, admitted she and her husband 'reluctantly' locked him away.
Neighbors took images of the man inside the cage he had been for years.
"He would run around aimlessly on the street and only learnt how to say 'mom' at the age of 12," she said.
The man's mother, Li Lianying, said she and her husband locked him away.
They claim he started acting strangely, never thinking that he could have a mental health condition. They tried to exorcise him in order to“release the evil spirit from him”, but he only started acting more strangely, forcing them to throw him in the cage.
The last time he went out was a few years ago, when he was allowed to get some exercise.
Concerned neighbors recently recorded the man, where he can be seen holding onto the bars of his cage.
After sending the footage to medical professionals, he was freed and taken to a hospital. It was reported that the man is very malnourished, and is practically unable to communicate.
Meanwhile, see this video of a 'peace ambassador' who lives on the street: