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See what happened to this single mother who lost her husband 4 years ago (photos)

In Nigeria women who lose their husbands few years after marriage find it difficult to find another partner especially when they already have children with their late husbands.

The case of this beautiful widow is different. Despite having two children with her late husband, she was still able to find another man who would not only love her but be a father to her children.

Exactly four years after the death of her husband, Dr Ejiro Beulah Izeze remarried to Godwin Onoro on Wednesday, June 7 at Oginibo Town, Ughelli-South, Delta state.

Nigerian single mother of 2 remarries 4 years after she lost her husband (photos)

Dr Ejiro Izeze and her new husband

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Celebrating the life of his sister and her new husband, Dr Ejiro’s brother took to his Facebook profile to post pictures of the wedding.

Izeze Rume Reuben disclosed that: “The Likita, Doc. Ejiro Beulah Orseer IZEZE is married again after the ‘interregnum’. Thanks to our 1st in laws; the ORSEERS for looking after our daughter and sister all these ‘years of the locust’. Indeed, no matter how long the ‘wahala’ lasts, JOY is gonna come in the morning. Congratulations Mr. and Doc. Mrs. ONORO Godwin.”

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