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Lord's Chosen member steps out with customised stick guns, helmets and shields for evangelism (photos)

- A member of the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement has been spotted rocking their full customised uniform

- The mopol was seen with their customised stick gun, helmet and shield

A photo of a mopol of the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement rocking the church’s full customised outfit has gone viral. The mopol was spotted riding on a motorcycle with his customised stick gun, helmet and shield.

In the photos, the mopol was all seen wearing the church’s popular customised vest while the banner was fixed at the back of the motorcycle. It was reported that the mopol who was also seen with a speaker microphone was on an evangelism mission.

With the emergence of the new photos of the Lord’s Chosen mopol, many people are wandering why members of the church do the unusual things they do. They have been seen doing all sorts of bizarre things like performing stunts on the roadside to create awareness for upcoming crusades.

Lord's Chosen

Lord's Chosen mopol steps out in customised stick guns, helmets and shields

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According to the Lord’s Chosen Official Blog, some of the things we believe to be unusual are done by members of the church for particular reasons. Here are some of the reasons stated on the blog:

  1. The green vest: Members of the church put on the vest to create awareness for upcoming crusades. The blog reads: "The main purpose why we wear the "APRON" is to use it to "CREATE AWARENESS" of an upcoming crusade."
  2. The Apron: Members where the apron because they believe that God placed special powers in the vest to motivate everyone to wear it. "But because God is in support of the very idea and He (God) really wants the people to do it that way, He gave the people a motivation by releasing His power upon the apron."

"Whenever the apron is being worn, the wearer receives uncommon favour. When a sick person wears it, the person becomes instantly healed etc... As this person who has received these miracles shared their testimonies, others who saw it as foolishness became motivated and also join to wear it and they too also experienced "Power."

Lord's Chosen

Members where the apron because they believe that God placed special powers in the vest to motivate everyone to wear it

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3. Three Fold Beliefs: Unlike other churches that either don't have a vision or have just one, this church has three. The first is a grass root revival all over the world. (Mark 16:15-17). The revival of the Apostolic Christian experiences among the body of Christ. (1 Peter 2:9-10) is the second one while Heaven at last. (Matthew 6:33) is the third.

Lord's Chosen

Unlike other churches that either don't have a vision or have just one, this church has three

The church was founded by Lazarus Mouka and her first service was held on December 24, 2002. It was held in a rented apartment at Ilasamaja, Mushin in Lagos state.

Lord's Chosen

The church was founded by Lazarus Mouka in 2002

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