- People at a dance club in Florida were in for a bizarre spectacle
- A crowd of women with extremely long nails hit the dance floor
- They grooved around showing off their strange, curvy nails
Partygoers at a club in Florida recently witnessed a quite bizarre performance. The dance floor was suddenly taken by a group of women with really… really long fingernails, and some even with long and pointy toenails.
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The ladies churned their hips to Daddy Yankee Reggaeton music, waving their hands around, as if to show off their 2-3 feet-long nails. These have grown so much, most of them turn into spirals.
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The odd images have broken the internet, with people in amazement at the strange view these women offered. The ones that boasted the long toenails danced barefoot.
This nail-growing trend is becoming ever more popular, with TV shows looking into these people’s way of living, as to how they can wash dishes, or something so pedestrian as to the way they clean themselves after going to the bathroom.